[Elsevier] Comparative study of techniques for large-scale feature selection* *This work was suported by a SERC grant GR/E 97549. The first author was also supported by a FPI grant from the Spanish MEC, PF92 73546684

arooba99 Post time 3 day(s) ago | Show all posts |Read mode

journal:Pattern Recognition in Practice IV - Multiple Paradigms, Comparative Studies and Hybrid Systems

Authors:F.J. Ferri; P. Pudil; M. Hatef; J. Kittler

Published date:1994--


PDF link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/sc ... 444818928500407/pdf

Article link:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-444-81892-8.50040-7

Article Source:Elsevier


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