[Other] An Examination of the Impact of Text Modification on EFL Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning

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[url=]HOME[/url] [url=]한국영어평가학회[/url] [url=]English Language Assessment[/url] [url=]Vol.17 No.2[/url] An Examination of the Impact of Text Modification on EFL Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning

KCI등재 학술저널 즐겨찾기
An Examination of the Impact of Text Modification on EFL Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning
  • [url=]Yunjeong Choi(Yunjeong Choi)[/url]
  • [url=]한국영어평가학회[/url]
  • [url=]English Language Assessment[/url]
  • [url=]Vol.17 No.2[/url]
  • 등재여부 : KCI등재
  • 2022.12
  • 79 - 99 (21 pages)

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The present study investigated the effect of different text types (original, elaborated, and simplified) on Korean EFL learners’ reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary learning, focusing on language proficiency as a moderator. Three groups of 110 Korean high school students participated, each reading a different type of text. Their reading comprehension was measured with a multiple-choice comprehension test and a recall protocol. In addition, the students’ incidental vocabulary learning was assessed by the achievement score in the pre- and post- vocabulary tests. A series of two-way ANOVA were conducted. The findings indicated that two modified texts (simplified and elaborated) were more effective for students’ reading comprehension than the original text. Although the difference in the effect between simplified and elaborated texts was not significant, students who read the elaborated text tended to produce more detailed descriptions and richer expressions in the recall protocol. In addition, the elaborated text was most effective for incidental vocabulary learning, whereas the simplified text was found to be least helpful. No interaction effect was found between text type and students’ language proficiency, but it was found that the effect of text types was marginally different according to language proficiency in incidental vocabulary learning.


  • [url=]#text modification[/url]
  • [url=]#elaborated text[/url]
  • [url=]#authentic text[/url]
  • [url=]#reading comprehension[/url]
  • [url=]#incidental vocabulary learning[/url]


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